Count on me

Frist of all . I miss all of you here. I wanted to come but this life of mine did not allow me really. God’s grace was enough for me and I see His hands everyday in my own life. The trials and pain of todays are our comforts for tomorrow. We have never called to have easy life on this earth. Altough, the first 15 years of our life was happy nice life. When responsibilities came over, we feel truly what world we are really living. But , we are not meant to live it alone. Jesus Christ here to help and heal us. Christ loves us unconditionally.

By the way, We are in 1 April 2019 , the second month of fall in Sydney. It does not look like it though. I can not see the leaves are falling from the tree that much. But , I see how my God is sweet , season after season he is  blessing me more and more. I don’t need evidence , his evidence is everywhere around us , within us.


Life is truly beautiful , Your presence even make it more gorgeous. Open the window of your home , take a deep breath. Cold or warm , you feel the freshness in the air. You are made for this. You are born to walk on this earth freely and enjoy the moments on it while you are here. What is the plan? Enjoy what God creates and listen what he says. It is for you and me goodness! The real treasure is in where you feel God is there. Richa and poor both they are breathing the same air! Love yourself . There is only one copy of you around! Be you and keep your heads held high. humbly accept the word planted in you which can save you. Don’t forget your face in the mirror. You are made in the image of God.

Although working is hard, But it does not reduce my creativity and my passion for God. I can bring God in my workplace, during my job, I can be the one like Him , in the way I treat others , In the way I talk to them or I do what they ask me to do and so much more. Slowly slowly they will know who I am trusting too. So , our job is not to spend time and think what others think about us, our task is simply look at Jesus, our perfection of Faith. I see God’s presence in my life.  God look at our hearts. Let us look after our heart , Let us protect what is belong to Him and allowing not anything impure it. I patiently wait for God for his loving mercy and forgiveness which I need Him every day, I need Jesus to purify my mind and heart again. I don’t know what you ask when you see Jesus face to face but When I see Him I will say ” You are truly my Lord “.

Good news is , my new ebook will be ready soon! as I will announce here as soon as any new update. I am excited for that , because this ebook is truly a practical love / forgiveness and joy we need to have teaches!

Much Love

Written By Dariush Youkhaneh

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