Friendship with God

Timothy Keller pointed out the friendship meaning in 7 keys as I posted in my Instagram post (@hhhigh-blog):
1- Is Constancy
2- Love at all times
3- Is Transparency and Candor
4- Encourage and Affectionately affirm one another
5- Is Faithful
6- Heals you
7- Become wiser together

How good is to have friends ? How awesome to have loyal friends? It is rare , It is hard to find those. And how much is more harder to be the one.

Little confess from me, I am not the one! The time machine took me to another place, every time I made it , The time machine stolen from me. May , I need to blame no one , even time. I am honest. I do my best, I always wanted God make me a better friend , a better man and a better human. I forget sometimes to be a loyal friends of a friend. The thing is here what criteria we put front.

I am thinking about this , I am praying to God and asking him about How was Jesus friendship with the Father. And, the more importance fact How Jesus saw the world around Him. Why am i bringing God in this? The reason is this , we can not truly understand the meaning of a friendship before being a good friend with God. I said good friend! God is a loyal friend , we are not !

The most loyal friendship in this world , is the weakest in the eyes of the Lord. But this is not meant our human friendship is pointless. If you draw a line between human and God , the line would be the friendship line. God need to be in middle of our human friendship. With Him our human / human friendship gets meaning.

If you see throughout the Bible, It is built on a friendship. God himself and God to human.

On top of God’s friendship with himself , He was thinking about us :
The Lord God said, β€œIt is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2 : 18

I believe God is building our human friendship. He has already taken every step to build again this broken friendship between himself and human. Now , there is no more ” friendship line ” but the Cross.
The Cross is ultimate loving and friendship act of heavenly Father to us. We are in an active friendship with God now , or at least God is ready to be our friend with an open arm. He comes and knock the door of our hearts for a real and true friendship. No matter where we are , what we done or in what stage of life and season we are in , He forgives and wants to be our eternal friend.

Then , Think about it. You are never alone. The time you accepted and believed in Him , you entered to the circle of the God Father , the God Son and the God Holy Spirit.

Hallelujah and Thank God for this. He is a true friend that everyone on earth looking for.

Friendship with God

Dear friend , have you read my new ebook called ” Hope in Corona Time” ?

Much Love, your friend
Dariush Youkhaneh

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